St. Comán's Wood Lotto

Weekly Winner of €20 (02/05/24): Gloria Morelli

Midterm Break

Our school will be closed from Monday 6th - Friday 10th May inclusive for Midterm Break. We hope all of our pupils enjoy a relaxing week off and look forward to seeing them back on Monday, 13th May.

Curious Minds - Discover STEM

Our school has recently entered Science Foundation Ireland's (SFI) Curious Minds - Discover STEM 2024 awards. We were delighted that our school won a Curious Minds Gold Award for our entry in 2023 and have also been awarded Plaques of Excellence in the DPSM awards in previous years. We are very proud of our achievements in STEM and wish to share the work we've done with you. 

The awards have 5 components: Science, Maths, Engineering, Technology and Showcase. Click on the links to see what STEM activities our school has been involved in. A big 'thank you' to Ms. Mannion and Ms. Duignan who organised many of the activities and put together and submitted our application.

The Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM) programme has been rebranded as Curious Minds. Curious Minds is part of Science Foundation Ireland’s Education and Public Engagement Programme, which aims to increase interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) among students, teachers and members of the public. The programme originated as Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM) in 2003 with the goal of introducing primary school students to science in a practical, hands-on, enjoyable and interactive way. Since 2010 the programme has been run in conjunction with the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Ireland which uses space to inspire and engage young people in science and technology in the world around them. Year after year teachers tell us that our primary school awards are a great way of involving everyone in science in the school.

Click here for more information about the awards


Afterschool activities recommence on Monday, April 8th 2024. Please click here to view the afterschool schedule for Term 3. We have introduced a facility (Easy Payments Plus) to allow you to pay for afterschool activities securely online using your credit or debit card. We would encourage all our parents to avail of this facility. Payment must be made by Friday, April 12th in order to secure your child's place in our afterschool club.
PLEASE NOTE: Payment will not be accepted on a weekly basis and fees need to be paid IN FULL for all afterschool childcare and activities. 

Click on the button below to begin setting up your Easy Payments Plus account. Once you click the link, select the item you are paying for from the drop down menu and click 'add to bill'.

School Hot Lunches

Dear Parents,
Hot lunches began in our school on Tuesday 23rd April. Click here for further information. Ovens have been installed on both sites. Lunch boxes have been given to the children. Please remember to send in that lunchbox every day so that children can bring home any leftovers and please ensure your child's name is visible on the lunchbox always. Your child will still need to bring a small snack for break time and a drink. If you have any queries regarding the lunches, please email and they will be happy to help.

Tesco Token Collection

As part of its Community Fund, every 12 weeks, each Tesco store donates up to €2,000 between three local good causes in its community. A donation box for tokens for our school is currently in situ in Tesco Roscommon. We would be very grateful if you could support our school by depositing tokens when you next shop in Tesco and helping us gain extra funding through this initiative.

The GLOBE Programme

Our 6th class pupils took part in the The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Programme. This is an international science and education programme that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment.
Our project, “How Spongy is Our School?”  was presented initially to the GLOBE Ireland team via Zoom.  Our team, which consists of the four Green Schools representatives from 6th class (Marcus Mahon, Juliette Fallon, Tommy Coyle and Caitlin McLoughlin) made a very good impression on the GLOBE Ireland presentation and were invited to attend the 2024 GLOBE Virtual Student Conference of Europe and Eurasia on March 6th. We are delighted to announce that our pupils received “The Climate Action Award” from the GLOBE Europe and Eurasia team. This programme is an excellent learning opportunity for our students.

2024/25 Junior Infants School Requisites Payment

Dear Parents of Junior Infants,
You can use the 'Easy Payments Plus' facility to make this payment. Click on the button below to begin setting up your "Easy Payments Plus" account.

Select the item you are paying for - "2024/25 Junior Infants School Requisites Payment" from the dropdown menu, and click "add to bill".

Further instructions on how to set up your 'Easy Payments Plus' account can be found here.

Roscommon Gaels

New Primary Mathematics Curriculum - Information for Parents

The aim of the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum is that children see maths as important and useful to their everyday lives.
It is essential that parents/guardians are made aware of the changes to the curriculum that have taken place to date and what will be happening over the years to come. In this regard the Department of Education, in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Professional Development for Teachers (PDST), has developed a leaflet which is designed to introduce these changes and encourage parent/guardians to engage in the future consultations seeking feedback on the draft curriculum areas and subjects of the new curriculum.

The leaflet is presented in many languages. Please select one to read information about the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum.

English Polish
Irish Lithuanian
Ukrainian Portuguese
Latvian Romanian


Dear Parents,

We have introduced a facility (Easy Payments Plus) to allow you to pay for music generation, swimming lessons, afterschool activities, school tours, etc securely online using your credit or debit card. We would encourage all our parents to avail of this facility.

Please click here for instructions on how to set up your Easy Payments Plus account. 

Click on the button below to begin setting up your Easy Payments Plus account. Once you click the link, select the item you are paying for from the drop down menu and click 'add to bill'.


New Primary Curriculum

 Dear Parents,
The primary curriculum is changing and will continue to change over the coming years. The new primary curriculum recognises the key role parents and guardians play in their child’s education and promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents/guardians. The NCCA, NCSE and PDST have developed a leaflet which introduces parents to the changes in the new curriculum and encourages parents/guardians to engage in the future consultations seeking feedback on the draft curriculum areas and subjects of the new curriculum. Please click here to read the leaflet.

Amber Flag Award

We are delighted to announce that St. Comán's Wood have been awarded their very first Amber Flag from Pieta House. This award is presented to schools who make a conscious effort to promote and improve the well-being and mental health of their school community. St. Comán's Wood began the process at the beginning of the academic year and began by setting up an Amber Flag committee made up of a selection of students from each class. Together with leading teachers, Ms McNeill and Mr Morelli, the committee worked hard throughout the year to make positive changes and to co-ordinate events to promote positive mental health and well-being in our students, teachers and parents. Congratulations to the committee and the whole school community on this fantastic achievement. Our Amber Flag was raised by special guest, Mrs Morris, on both sites on Wednesday, June 22nd. Have a look at some of the photos from the day on St. Comán's Wood Twitter page here.